--}} {{-- --}} {{----}} @if($companyLogo != null || $companyLogo != "") @else{{ $company }}@endif Address: P.O Box 127 Morogoro, TanzaniaTel: +255 (0) 748 771 551 Fax: +255 (0) 23 2603 039 Email: info@aboodgroup.com Website: www.aboodbus.co.tz TIN: 100-756-927 _____________________________________ SUPERVISORS & AGENTS LIST************************************* |
S/N | Name | Contacts | Address | Supervisor | Last Active | Created | Remarks(✓) | ||||||||||
{{$i+1}} | *** {{$agent->name}} *** | {{$agent->msisdn}} | {{$agent->address}} | @php if($agent->supervisor != null && $agent->supervisor != ''){ $supervisor = \App\Models\Agent::where(['id' => $agent->supervisor])->first()->name; echo $supervisor; } @endphp | @php $last_used = \App\Models\AgentCompany::where(['id' => $agent->agentCompId])->first()->last_used; echo $last_used; @endphp | {{ $agent->created_at }} | @else | {{$i+1}} | {{$agent->name}} | {{$agent->msisdn}} | {{$agent->address}} | @php if($agent->supervisor != null && $agent->supervisor != ''){ $supervisor = \App\Models\Agent::where(['id' => $agent->supervisor])->first()->name; echo $supervisor; } @endphp | @php $last_used = \App\Models\AgentCompany::where(['id' => $agent->agentCompId])->first()->last_used; echo $last_used; @endphp | {{ $agent->created_at }} | @php $last_used = \App\Models\AgentCompany::where(['id' => $agent->agentCompId])->first()->last_used; $is4Months = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("-120 days")); if($last_used != null || $last_used != ""){ if ($last_used > $is4Months) { echo ''; }else{ echo ' | Inactive 4months | '; } }else{ echo 'To Deactivate | '; } @endphp @endif
* Sub account profiles(agents) have been assigned to Supervisors based on Reporting Office/Address
* To deactivate profiles(sub-accounts) which have been inactive for 4 months and above
* Collection on Trip Manifest will follow on Suprvisor and Conductors profile while listing all profile as for records
* Director & Managers can give remarks on each account when necessary for further actions
* Data are strictly shared only for ABOOD BUS SERVICE